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The Battle of Vesper - Part 2

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  • Mox
    • Nov 2023
    • 8

    The Battle of Vesper - Part 2

    It was mid-afternoon when Kena rode up to the agreed upon meeting place. She had heard the roars long before she came into view of the three dragons at the edge of town and the five men huddled in front of them. Jester introduced the fifth member, whom she took to be the archer, “Kena, this is Amarth Gil, Amarth, Kena the Bard we were telling you about.” He nodded in greeting, and she returned it. Now that she was closer, she could see the crossbow hooked to his saddle. Her attention turned to the dragons and the nightmares that the tamers rode. “These are some fine-looking beasts, beautiful and somewhat scary at the same time.” She said while she admired them, then asked warily, “Do they know friend from foe?”

    Xanthos grinned, “Yes, they are intelligent ‘beasts’ if you would and we have explained to them you are a friend.” Kena nodded but gave them a little wider berth all the same.

    Jester moved a little way away and prepared the portal spell, he had a marked rune stone that would allow a mage to travel or open a portal to a specific destination, this one she assumed would be near the city of Vesper. He cast the spell and the shimmering blue portal rose out of the ground. “Let’s get this over with!” he exclaimed. Lotus and Xanthos lead their dragons into the portal, followed by Uhtred, Amarth, and herself. Jester came last with his dragon in tow.

    Kena came through the portal into chaos. She flinched her horse to the side and narrowly dodged the harpy that had kicked at her with a clawed foot. She pulled her horse in a tight circle to come back around to take in the scene. Jester’s dragon came through behind her, the dragon’s roar was almost deafening at this close of range as it joined the other two that were engaged in what looked to be the biggest birdlike creature she had ever seen, and it appeared to be on fire. The dragons did not seem to be affected by the flames, their scales reflected the heat, and they released their own barrage of fire breath into the midst of harpies. The smell of burnt flesh and feathers hung heavy in the air. The others had dismounted their nightmares who joined the fight while the Tamers struggled to help the dragons.

    Harpies were everywhere, Uhtred cut a path to her, his blade already dripping blood. “Hey Kena, you think you can start that lullaby now? Anytime would be great!” he yelled over the noise, then whirled his horse around to cut down another two harpies.

    Amarth reined in up next to her, his crossbow delivered death as fast as he could reload it. “Don’t mind him, he gets excited when there is a fight to be had!” he exclaimed.

    Kena grabbed her lute and began to play at once the nearby harpies nearest to her stopped attacking and then they turned on each other. She glanced to where Uhtred was, and it appeared he did indeed take great glee in killing them in droves. Amarth turned his attention to the other harpies that tried to get to close, he launched bolt after bolt into them and felled them like a lumberjack who worked his way through a forest of trees.

    The dragon and mares were not doing well, the battle raged through the city streets, bodies littered them, and blood ran freely along the cobblestone that made moving treacherous. She moved towards the front of the battle and noticed one of the dragons was down. She rode towards it and fought her fear which she quickly squashed when it lifted its head to look at her and she could see the pain-filled eyes. Kena was known as a bard, singer of songs and player of instruments, but she was also a skilled mage and jumped down off her horse next to the dragon. She closed her eyes for a second and cast a healing spell, it wasn’t enough to get the dragon back in the fight, but it did staunch the bleeding and closed the wound. She laid a hand on the noble beast’s head and then rejoined the fight that had moved further down the street.

    She caught up to Lotus, he worked hard to keep his other companion alive, she stopped to try and aid but he waved her on towards the fight. By now, the harpies had all been destroyed or cut down to a manageable number between her music, Uhtred’s sword, and Amarth’s crossbow and the fight was now with the bird creature alone.

    Xanthos and Jester both cast spells to support their dragons and mares, Uhtred darted in and out striking at its legs and wings all the while dodging its talons and not staying close enough to be scorched by the heat. Amarth rained crossbow bolts into its underbelly as it seemed to always dodge any of his head shots. Kena began to cast her own spells when her music didn’t seem to affect it and the creature seemed to wither under the onslaught. She wasn’t sure where the extra burst came from, but suddenly the last two dragons were struck down immediately followed by the mares that were still in the fight. Kena stood dumbfounded as they fell at the feet of the fiery bird. She imagined the rest of the group were probably doing the same. In the moment of sudden quiet, the bird shifted in front of their eyes and there stood a twelve-foot giant. His beard was more flame than hair, he wore a flaming circlet on his head and burning bracers at his wrists. Bare chested, his muscles rippled, and his boots left smoke on the cobblestones. At his belt hung a flaming mace that was as long as Kena was tall.

    “ENOUGH!” the giant bellowed. A wave of obedience swept over Kena, it took everything ounce of willpower she had not to drop on her knees and prostrate herself in front of the being. She couldn’t tell if the others were suffering the same effect, but she did know that none of her companions knelt. That bolstered her confidence, and she gritted her teeth determined not to kneel.
    The giant looked at them over like a predator looked at its prey. Then in a booming voice, “You warriors have done well. I went looking for someone with some meddle, warriors not afraid to fight.” He paused for a moment; Kena couldn’t even begin to be able to talk. He continued, “You had no chance of defeating me,” he sneered, “but you may claim victory for defeating my minions.” He waved his arm and there on the street, some piles of gold, a few scrolls, and some weapons appeared. “Enjoy your battle spoils but be wary. I may return to this realm in the future to test you once again.” Then before anyone could say or do anything, he simply just vanished.

    The group came out of their stupor and the Tamers at once began tending to their wounded companions. Uhtred and Amarth moved to secure the pile of now enticing and glittering gold as the citizens of Vesper began to venture from their homes where they had been hiding during the battle. A man in soldiers armor approached Kena, she wanted to go and help the Tamers, it made her heart ache that the noble beasts were in pain, but he stopped her. He gave a quick report that the guards had survived the first onslaught had come forth from hiding and had been clearing the streets of the harpies that had remained during their battle with the creature. She learned that it had called itself Brimstone. That didn’t mean anything to her now, but she would remember it. The guard Captain showed his appreciation to them for coming to their aid and had ordered another guard to bring up some packhorses where Uhtred, Amarth, and Kena loaded up the spoils. The Tamers, with their companions back on their feet approached.

    “Well, that was a tough fight.” Lotus ventured. The others gathered around nodded in agreement.

    “I am glad you all survived.” Kena replied.

    “Shall we go split up our just rewards and get stumbling drunk?” Jester offered.

    “Sounds good, then maybe Kena can sing us a lullaby and we all can get some good rest!” Uhtred exclaimed with a smile.

    Kena replied with a grin, “Yea, you probably need a nap now anyways old man, after all that exertion.” Uhtred just winked at her and swung up on his mount.

    The rest laughed and Amarth Gil clapped Kena on the back, then as a group they mounted up and Xanthos opened the portal back to Brit.