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The Battle of Vesper - Part 1

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  • Mox
    • Nov 2023
    • 8

    The Battle of Vesper - Part 1

    Kena, once again dressed in some good clean leathers made by Outlaw, walked along the street near the West Bank. She had heard the townspeople whisper and talk about the earthquake that everyone had felt a few days prior. She herself had experienced it while on her hunt but didn’t think anything of it at the time. The people of Brit though cast around fearful glances and stayed close to loved ones like something was going to attack them at any moment. Not sure what to think about the odd behavior, she made her way to The Cat’s Lair, a well-known tavern next to the bank.

    She pushed in the door, the crowd was heavy for a mid-afternoon, but no one took note of her entry. She eased up to the bar and saw that Kenelm was still working it, she gave the barkeep a shout for a mug of ale. The talk was much the same as she had heard out on the streets. A particular group at one table though caught her attention as she eavesdropped on their conversation and took the mug from Kenelm with a nod. Kenelm gave her a short quick smile then hustled to the other end of the bar to help another customer.

    “I am telling you, there are reports of harpies and stone harpies all over Vesper.” One of the men told the other four. One of them replied, “Jester, if that were true, the local guard would have taken care of that problem.” The one called Jester shook his head, “I have heard this from a reliable source Lotus.”

    One of the other men chimed in, “I hate to agree with Jester, but what I have heard is about the same and to go along with it, there is some strange and powerful creature there as well controlling them.” The fourth man jumped in at this point, “That would explain why the guard would not be able push them out.” They all nodded and looked at their drinks and contemplated what they had just discussed and what it might mean.

    Kena took the respite in the conversation to walk over and introduce herself. “Good afternoon gents, I hear there may be some fun in Vesper?” All four turned to her, but none of them got up nor did they give any sign they recognized her. That irked her for a second or two, maybe the only people that heard her play were drunks, she thought to herself. She smiled at them when the one that had agreed with Jester greeted her, “Good afternoon to you as well young lady, but why would you say a city full of harpies is fun?”

    “A city full of harpies and some powerful creature is some stuff that great songs can be written about. Especially if there are some brave souls that go to combat and eradicate such a thing.” She shrugged, “It’s what I do.”

    The man smiled back, “The name is Xanthos.” He pointed at the fourth man, “This is Uhtred,” and he continued to point out the other two, “Jester and Lotus”.
    She nodded to each of them in turn, “Kena Zabrava”, she said. “So, what is your plan to get rid of these creatures in Vesper?”

    The men looked around at each other, but Jester was the one to reply, “We three,” he gestured to Xanthos, Lotus, and himself, “are what you would call Tamers. We command a dragon and a nightmare each, Uhtred there is a good with a sword and shield. We also have another friend who is a skilled archer. But the plan,” he emphasized, “is to use a portal and travel quickly to Vesper and see what aid we can lend them.”

    Kena nodded, she knew of the type called Tamers and if it were true, these gentlemen were powerful indeed and anyone handy with a sword or bow was good to have around.

    “Well count me in as well, I have some skill with the lute.” Uhtred let out a small chuckle, “What are you going to do, sing them a lullaby?” The others grinned at the comment, but Kena just smiled back at them and replied, “Exactly!”
