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Covetous is one of the seven Anti-Virtue Dungeons. Its values are the opposite of the Sacrifice virtue. The dungeon was carved a long time ago into the Mountains of Avarice. There are five levels. The first two consist of a narrow and winding passages which connect larger caverns. The first level is designed as a strange ecosystem while the second passage is where the The Void Pool can be found. The third is what appears to be the remains of some prince or king's abode that has long been abandoned, either willingly or by forcefully when the monsters arrived. Statues in the great hall heed warning to stay away for first time visitors:

"Beware Ye Who Enter These Halls!"
"Go no farther, lest ye face thy death!"


The entrance of the dungeon is at 62º N, 83º E, which is located at northeast of Cove, south of Minoc, west of Vesper and just southwest of the Minoc Moongate.



There are two passages outside of the dungeon: one between the first and the second levels and the other between the second and the third levels. Skeletons also spawn in this passage. Note that you can Mark and Recall in between each level for quicker access.

Level 1

Level 1

Level 1 contains mobs such as rats, corpsers, headless ones, Harpys, few Stone Harpys, Gazers, and a few Elder Gazers.

Level 2

Level 2

Level 2 holds rats, giant rats, corpsers, headless ones, Stone Harpys, Giant Spiders, Elder Gazers, and Dread Spiders

Level 3

Level 3

Fight your way through skeletons, zombies, spectres, and shades.

The throne room is guarded by 3 lich lords.

The third level can be reached by following the passage to the east and finally to a carved stone entrance.

The fifth level of the dungeon can be reached from the staircase at the north east corner of the room.

  • Great Hall
  • Storage Room
  • Dining Hall and the Chapel: one candles spawn in the dining hall. The staircase at the west side of the dining hall leads to the fourth level of the dungeon.
  • Throne Room:

Level 4

Level 4

Executioners stationed in each torture chamber, leading to their Ancient Lich leader.

Level 5

Level 5

The deep waters of level 5 hold Kraken with Black Widows guarding the land.

See also
