Blighted Grove

The Blighted Grove is a dungeon that is home to monsters, named monsters, and a Peerless Boss.
One of the oldest trees in existence, the ancient Yew that is tied to Lady Melisande is twisted and grotesque. Too powerful to die in the swampy ground, as the others of its kind have, its mighty roots draw upon blighted soil to live. The immense trunk and squat shape tilts dangerously, with tangled mud clotted roots exposed along an entire third of its perimeter. The tree leans precariously but endures, the poison of its needles and seeds bringing agonizing death to wildlife that wanders too near. Adventurers enter the blighted grove by passing under the exposed roots of the tree and work their way along the downed branches and the rotted out interior of the trunk. Every aspect of the Yew tree is poisonous and dangerous. Footing within the tree is precarious and with every fall and cut the character is exposed to another dose of the lethal poison.
Roosting in the revolting branches of the tree are hideous harpies. Changelings delight in tormenting characters, while Bog Things, Boglings, Corpsers, Whipping Vines, Swamp Tentacles, and Reapers are much in evidence. Giant serpents and monstrous hydras weave their way through branches and swampy ground. Enslaved and insane dryads and satyr serve Lady Melisande.
Lady Melisande
- When you get to Lady Melisande make sure to kill off her Enslaved Satyrs fast. Else they will use Peacemaking on you while Lady Melisande attacks.
- Earth Elementals seem to be best against Lady Melisande.
- Archers and mages are best against her.
- Pets can work too.
- She casts Revenants, so have dispel or Mass Dispel ready.
- She smack talks you in an extremely creepy, disturbing fashion.
- Contrary to popular belief, dexers can fight her, but they must be prepared to either cross heal or run away once they get to between 2/3 and half health.
- Fey Slayers (Pixie Swatter) works.
- She spawns special loot.
- Be aware of an attack she has that slows down your Swing Speed and casting time. Archers and Mages should stay out of range. The only people who get hit by this attack should be those who must stand close (i.e., dexers). Also, be wary of her very powerful wither attack.