The Lost Lands

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The Lost Lands is a continental landmass that was added to the gameplay area in 1998.

The entrances to the lands were uncovered, or in some instances activated, as a result of geologic activity produced from the use of the Armageddon spell, which was cast by the Followers of Armageddon, also known as the Zog Cabal. The first Britannian expedition to the Lost Lands was led by Crawworth.

Some entrances require the utterance of magic words: "recdu" and "recsu."

There are 2 cities, a single dungeon, and a vast open countryside.


Papua can be reached by saying 'recdu' when standing on the pentagram in the Moonglow mage shop. Return to Moonglow by saying 'recsu' while standing on the pentagram in the Papua mage shop. With nice docks, the village can also be reached by boat.

Papua is a small town of grass huts closer to the center of the map. NPC vendors include:

  • alchemist;
  • baker;
  • blacksmith;
  • butcher;
  • carpenter;
  • healer;
  • jeweler;
  • provisioner;
  • shipwright;
  • stables;
  • tailor; and
  • tinker.


The larger city of Delucia is host to the following NPC shops: Bank; Mage Shop; Smith/Weaponry Shop; Provisioner; Healer; Stables; Inn; and Tailor.

Terethan Keep

The Terathan Keep dungeon


In addition to the locations listed above, the Lost Lands have Champion Spawns and the dungeon Khaldun.


It is not clear if the cities of the Lost Lands are part of Britannia proper (meaning if the are ruled by the Crown and the Britannian Council) or not.


See Also

Cities and Towns