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The term Virtue refers to the moral system of Ultima Online and to a game mechanic that grants bonuses for performing certain actions.

There are eight components of the virtue paradigm: Compassion, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Justice, Sacrifice, Spirituality, and Valor. The game mechanic is accessed via the Virtue Gump. The philosophy behind the Virtues is opposed by the philosophy of Chaos; the individual virtues are opposed by a sin that is its opposite. Additionally, each virtue has a mantra that is usually of use at the respective Shrine.

Virtue System

Most often, Virtue refers to the in-game system wherein players can perform certain actions based on or related to the Virtues, and achieve certain in-game powers.

In the 2D client, the system is accessed by double-clicking the symbol at the very top of a character's paperdoll.

For detailed information on each virtue, prerequisite, and benefit, see the following main articles:


  • Compassion: A Heart (NPC escort quests / resurrect others with up to 80% full health)
  • Honesty: An Open-Palmed Hand ("Lost" items / NPC merchant discount)
  • Honor: A Chalice (Honoring then killing monsters / walk amidst monsters without being attacked)
  • Justice: A Set of Scales (Killing reds / increased power scrolls amounts)
  • Sacrifice: A Teardrop (Sacrificing fame / self resurrection)
  • Valor: A Sword (Kill champion spawn monsters / ability to activate and advance champion spawns)
  • Humility: A Shepherd’s Crook (Kill evil-alighed monsters during Humility Hunt)
  • Spirituality: An Ankh (Use targeted heals and resurrections on other players)

Ultima Virtues

Here is a popularly-used chart that states the mantra of each virtue, its associated sin, and the principles from which it is derived, along with other information.

Virtue Principles Towns associated Mantra Dungeon/Sin Color Symbol Word of Power
Honesty Pure Truth Moonglow Ahm Deceit Blue Open hand Fallax
Compassion Pure Love Britain Mu Despise Yellow Heart Vilis
Valor Pure Courage Jhelom Ra Destard Red Sword Inopia
Justice Truth, Love Yew Beh Wrong Green Scales Malum
Sacrifice Love, Courage Minoc Cah Covetous Orange Tear Avidus
Honor Truth, Courage Trinsic Summ Shame Purple Chalice Infama
Spirituality Truth, Love, and Courage Skara Brae Om Hythloth White Ankh Ignavus
Humility Truth, Love, and Courage independently Magincia Lum Doom or Hythloth Black Shepherd staff Veramocor

Blackthorn's Code is a good illustration of the fact that the Virtues always come from one's own self rather than the norms of society; codifying ethics into law doesn't automatically make evil people good. Further, unethical lawmakers can take the Virtues and turn them into something that is quite contrary to what Virtues actually stand for.

See Also